Psychologists in Pursuit of Market Share

What accounts for astounding frequency with which mental health professionals betray our courts with misinformation premised on ill-conceived theories? At we consider, for example, the direction taken by practicing psychologists over the past 20 years.  Beginning in the late 1970’s, the number of independently practicing psychologists belonging to the American Psychological Association (APA) grew at an exponential rate. These practitioners demanded that APA respond to issues such as insurance reimbursement, hospital privileges, and the wholesale promotion of psychological services. Continue reading “Psychologists in Pursuit of Market Share”

Mental Health Professionals as Expert Witnesses

Mental Health Professionals as Expert Witnesses

At we try to remember that previously, expert testimony was almost exclusively the domain of psychiatrists and psychologists. Within the past 10 to 15 years, however, other mental health professionals - social workers, marriage and family therapists, substance abuse counselors, licensed professional counselors, and even pastoral counselors - frequently testify as expert witnesses.  Throughout this blog, therefore, we will refer generically to “mental health professionals.”  When appropriate, we will also identify specific professional affiliations.

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